The Achievement Gap

The Achievement Gap
When analyzing and assessing the issues within Student Affairs it is important to pay for close attention the the achievement gap. This will help us to understand the challenges students face in and outside of the classroom. The issue of the achievement gap can become very complex, this is due to the fact that there are a variety of socioeconomic factors that potentially play a role in this gap. Income and opportunity is one factor that plays a major role. An impoverished family is more likely to lack the resources that would afford their children the chance to be successful. In terms of students who are striving to complete college it is a lot it is more challenging if you don’t have anyone in your family who has finished or even attempted to attend college. As a first generation minority I know what that is like. What is FASFA? How do I pay for college? How do you study? This leads me to introduce another factor which is the the level of support that the family has for the students learning. Oftentimes, people see no value in something they’ve never experienced themselves. Other factors such as “student interest in school, and the students effort in there studies in general” (NAE).
“Achievement gaps occur when one group of students (such as, students grouped by race/ethnicity, gender) outperforms another group and the difference in average scores for the two groups is statistically significant (that is, larger than the margin of error)”. The National Center for Educational Statistics explored the achievement gap between White students and Black students. The data was then used to analyze patterns and changes in the gap over time. Understanding these things will help Student Affairs professionals to better improve their services to help students be successful. In predominately white schools, the achievement tends to be lower among black students. “White students, however, tend to have higher scores than Black students, on average, on all assessments” (NAEP). The National Center for Educational Statistics, believes that this is due to the socioeconomic factors stated earlier on in this article.
In higher education, the issues of the achievement gap create inequality when it comes to educational outcomes. Estela Bensimon believes that, “the theories and practices of organizational learning can help professionals understand and address the structural and cultural obstacles that prevent colleges and universities from producing equitable educational outcomes” (Bensimon, 99). If patterns of inequality continue you to be not discussed and swept under the rug then the problem won’t be tackled head on. Institutional practices are a reflection of the majority that they serve. Still, this leaves the minority at a disadvantage. This is why it is important for universities to adopt diversity as their cognitive frame. “focus their attention on demographic characteristics of the student body, and view diversity in terms of interracial contact and human relations. Diversity should be an institutional characteristic that promotes learning outcomes that better prepares students for an increasingly diverse workforce and society” (Bensimon, 101). This is beneficial because students will feel more valued and prepared to be successful and thrive.
NAEP – Achievement Gaps. (n.d.). Retrieved November 09, 2016, from
Identifying Factors that Contribute to Achievement Gaps. (n.d.). Retrieved November 09, 2016, from

Opposing Views: Distance & Online Education

Opposing Views: Distance & Online Education

We live in a culture that is constantly on the go. With working families, single-parent households, and children many people depend on convenience; especially when it comes to their education. An institution did a study on the retention and enrollment growth of online education. “From fall 2013 to fall 2014, they reported a 4.7 percent increase in student enrollment in online programs” (Smith). Distance and online education is one of many issues that will have an impact on student affairs going forward. “Arguably, the most revolutionary trend in technology is the proliferation of free access to online classes taught by distinguished faculty at prestigious universities” (Dowd).  I am personally in favor of the idea of traditional education. What is traditional education? It is simply when you go to a classroom to learn and receive peer and instructor interaction.Distance education can be effective for the right student. However, there are many communication barriers and lack of relationship building when it comes to distance/online education as well. Communication and social interaction are skills that college can definitely develop. Your remember that speech class you took? The one that normally everyone hates, yes.

Dhirendra Kumar, from North Carolina State University, believes that the pros of online education is the fact that it is convenient, less expensive, technology based, and a number of other benefits. These benefits include opportunity for immigrants, introverts, and less opportunity for discrimination to occur. One thing that Kumar does agree with is the fact that regardless of what a student chooses their success is determined by the effort that they put into their work. Therefore, what does this mean for Student Affairs administrators? It is important that we equip students with the right knowledge to be successful. Knowledge about themselves as students and learners. It is also important that as professionals we discuss with students the path that will help them to be the most successful. If you need a lot of one on one attention from your teachers then it probably won’t be a good idea to work towards your degree online.  I definitely think when taking the time to ask questions that most students wouldn’t think of you equip students to be more successful and reach their goal which is to ultimately graduate. Now, it is also important to create programs and mentor/student relationships that give online and distance education students opportunity to stay connected with their schools and feel like they belong even at a distance.

Kumar, D. (2010, October). Pros and Cons of Online Education | NC State Industry Expansion Solutions. Retrieved November 04, 2016, from
Smith, A. (2015, April 21). The Increasingly Digital Community College.

What’s the issue?

Researchers, educators, and people have their own theories and ideas behind the issues going on within Higher Education. With a society filled with YouTube sensations and self-made millionaires what is the point in going to college any way? Statistics and data still show that individuals who attain a college degree are more likely to get a job and make more annually than an individual without a degree. In 2012, ” workers with at least a bachelor’s degree had median annual earnings of $45,500, well over the medians for people with only some college ($30,000) or a high-school diploma ($28,000)” (Pew Research Center). Therefore, from a logical standpoint majority will agree that attending college is still a well worth it investment.

However, the world continues to change, the cost of higher education is changing, and the interests of young adults are changing. “Trends in student affairs and higher education are influenced by rapidly changing global, societal, political, and economic forces” (Dowd). What does this mean? Well, one of the issues is that students aren’t even graduating high school and those that are can’t afford to go to college. Not only can they not afford college, “state support for Higher Education continues to decline” (Dowd). Another issue is the fact that you have a demographic of students who prefer distance/online education. There is also great demand for accountability. “Elected officials will continue to expect quantifiable results and transparent reporting of student retention, career readiness and job placement. More focus will be placed on assessment and data-driven decision making in the curricular experience. Closing the achievement and completion gap between majority and underrepresented students will be critical to continued public support and funding” (Dowd). Nevertheless, outside of the politics of it all students are under more pressure. College counselors are seeing the growing need for students to have support in regards to their mental health.

Overwhelmed yet? Anyone working in education or receiving their education is likely to experience the over whelming feelings of it all. It is important that professional development continues and that each step that is taken is done so with the idea of doing what is in the best interest of helping students to succeed. One might ask, okay we all know the issues. Now, it is time to figure out what we are going to do about it! I personally believe in the idea that it starts with the head then works its way down. Therefore, we will assess the issues themselves individually and then create actions steps for Student Affairs administrators. We must first understand where we’ve been, where we are now, and what the future for the leaders to come looks like.

DeSilver, D. (2014). 5 facts about today’s college graduates. Retrieved October 14, 2016, from
Dowd, D. (n.d.). Key Issues Facing Higher Education Administration & Student Affairs. Retrieved October 14, 2016, from